About Gabby
Gabby began her insurance career in 2001 when she started working for an agency that specialized in trucking insurance. She started in customer service but quickly developed the knowledge and skills she needed to work her way up and later became a licensed broker when she joined the sales team. In 2010 she changed positions and became a Trucking Insurance Underwriter for a popular wholesale program. As an underwriter, she worked with the most successful insurance agencies and underwrote various types of trucking businesses. Because of her work on both sides of insurance as a broker and underwriter, she provides valuable insight and experience for trucking clients.
Gabby always welcomes the opportunity to learn with every interaction. She understands the importance of building and maintaining strong relationships with her clients and insurance companies. Her positive attitude and valuable experience make her a great part of the TWIS team.
Gabby was born and raised in southern California. When she’s not reading an insurance policy, she’s out running a half marathon, traveling with her husband and two children, or enjoying some tacos. She is fluent in English and Spanish.